
Master Wang Xu of Bailong said that the time for sending Guanyin home should be measured. If it is a good day, a good time, Guanyin will be respectfully invited to the altar. It's usually between nine and ten in the morning. You can't ask God to go home at night.
Guanyin, as a child carrier, should be consecrated alone, not with the gods. Guanyin is forbidden to kill children, so it is absolutely not allowed to put the gods together with generals like emperor Guan. It's better to set up a Buddhist hall for Guanyin alone, which shows that Guanyin is a pure and flawless God, and it can't be worshipped with meat and fishy things, otherwise it's disrespectful to Guanyin. The offerings only need water, fruit and flowers.
We often see all kinds of bronze Avalokitesvara statues. These sculptures are of great help to understand the history of Buddhism and are also an indispensable means for the spread of contemporary Buddhism. Today, we will talk about the bronze Buddha with you.
The historical background of Buddhist statues originated in the Han Dynasty and developed with the introduction of the first Buddhism. At the beginning of Buddhism's introduction, it was believed by common people in the early stage, but it was not widely spread. After the Southern Dynasty, Buddhism began to prevail, and the Tang Dynasty was the peak.
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